NASRPC Competition on our range last weekend 13/14th April 2019

We hosted a major National Level competition for the NASRPC last weekend. Both the rifle and pistol ranges were busy on both days. Over 50 individual people from 11 clubs took part in the competitions.. 189 individual score sheets were submitted, showing that the average number of competitions entered by each individual was just under […]

Our Previous Range 197x-2002

Our current range in Roundwood is the third range we have been on since the club was founded in 1969. The first was in a quarry in Fassaroe, near Bray in 1969. Shortly after this we moved to our range in Enniskerry, also in a disused quarry, in 197X. We had two locations of  firing […]

A Blast From The Past Old Club Photos.

The most important aspect of a club like our’s is the people, the members who started the club and have kept it growing for 50 years. Many of our current members will not know the faces shown in the photos shown below. Many of our current club members can be seen below in these photos […]


ECSC GALLERY RIFLE SHOOTER OF THE YEAR COMPETITION RULES. General. The competition will be conducted annually with the award of prizes being made at the Club AGM. The competition will be integrated into the monthly pistol shoot and use the appropriate gallery rifle format. The competition is open to all ECSC members. To register for […]

New Year’s message from the Chairman.

  MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN, EAST COAST SHOOTING CLUB. We now approach the end of 2018 and can reflect on a very successful years shooting. The club has continued to improve its facilities and offers a full menu of archery, shotgun, pistol and rifle shooting opportunities. If you haven’t tried each one of them, arrange an […]

The Sunday Blog 28th May 2017

Busy day on the range today. Two competitions were running in parallel, a club pistol competition and a classification shoot run by the National Silhouette Association. The warm weather boosted the turnouts. In the first photo below it looks like the shooters are asleep but the other eye is open! The second photo shows an […]

Pistol Shooter of the Year cumulative scores.

The updated cumulative pistol competition scores are now available to view in the Pistol section of this web site.

February Pistol Shoot Report

PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT. 28th FEBRUARY. Fine, cold but clear weather brought a record number of shooters out to the range with eighteen entries recorded in total.  This mornings’ shoot used the T&P1 (Modified) format and was  shot at 10, 15 and 25 metres range, single handed. Thanks to all who took the trouble to travel […]