1969 - 2019

Welcome to the web site of the East Coast Shooting Club. We are based in Roundwood, County Wicklow, about 45 minutes drive from Dublin. Members can use the site to keep up to date with the news and results of recent competitions. People interested in taking up shooting as a hobby  and joining can use this site to see what we do, what our facilities are like, and find out how to contact us to see our ranges. See the “about ECSC ” section for “how to  join” and the fees.

Latest News

Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC._Shoot Report.

It was a dull drizzly day, but the results and atmosphere were sparkling. Ten of the most dedicated Prone shooters turned out. Wind was not an issue. It was clear from the results that those shooters using the SKC Long Range ammunition did well. This ammo has a slightly higher velocity than SKC red box […]

Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC.10AM—update plus practice day notice.

The email address given in the original post was incorrect. If you emailed eastcoastdiamond@gmail.com and did not  receive a reply, please email ecscdiamond@gmail.com with your original registration request in order to get a detail number and time. A Rifle shooting practice day will be held on the range on Saturday 27th July from 10 till […]


MATCH REPORT NASRPC IRISH OPEN AT FERMOY RIFLE CLUB 05TH -07TH JULY 2024. The weekend of the 05 to 07 July saw the NASRPC Irish Open staged at Fermoy Rifle Club in challenging weather conditions of showers and a gusty wind.       In between showers, shorts were the appropriate attire! The range was […]

Derrick Lambe Memorial Shoot 14th July 2024.

At this time, every year we hold a memorial shoot in honour of a much beloved member of our club who passed away 10 years ago. Derrick was a valued member who regularly competed  in our competitions and also helped in a major way to landscape our ranges and keep them looking good. We all […]

 Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC.10AM

 Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC.10AM Any Rimfire .22 rifle Sporting or Target Rifle. No high velocity ammunition .22 rimfire only. SIGHTS.  Any sight iron sights open/ peep/Telescopic. Disciplines. (1) Prone Jacket and sling. (2) Prone Rested. Rested (A)Bipod and rear bag. (B)Front and rear bag. No Full Length /Sled […]

Calendar of Events

  • Field Sporting Rifle Prone 50 Metre Competition

    Date: August 4, 2024
  • Gallery Rifle Precision 50 Metre Competition

    Date: August 4, 2024