Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC._Shoot Report.

It was a dull drizzly day, but the results and atmosphere were sparkling. Ten of the most dedicated Prone shooters turned out. Wind was not an issue. It was clear from the results that those shooters using the SKC Long Range ammunition did well. This ammo has a slightly higher velocity than SKC red box […]

Prone Rifle Crossover Shoot 2024 .   Saturday 20th July 2024 ECSC.10AM—update plus practice day notice.

The email address given in the original post was incorrect. If you emailed and did not  receive a reply, please email with your original registration request in order to get a detail number and time. A Rifle shooting practice day will be held on the range on Saturday 27th July from 10 till […]

Pistol Competition Report 30 June 2024.

June Pistol Competition report The June Pistol competition was held on 30th June and was a 25 m precision discipline. It was a dry day with no wind and shot from inside the hut. We had 16 shooters and 30 entries. The SBP was won by C.C., the GRSB was won by R.C., while the […]

Monthly Sporting Rifle Report -Sunday 7thApril 2024.

How pleasant to arrive at the range before 9:00 a.m.  on a bright sunny morning. It was windy, in the aftermath of Storm Kathleen, but the tempestuous torments had largely passed over,leaving a warm ,calm  and clear view of the lambs gambolling on the green fields, clearly enjoying the good weather. Most shooters arrived up, […]

Archery Events Calendar for 2024

Listed below are the dates of the main Archery Sessions being held on the range. Sessions start st 10:00 and finish at Approx 13:00.   Archery Calendar 2024   3rd March 24th March 7th April 21st April 12th May 19th May 2nd June 16th June 7th July 14th July 11th August 18th August 1st September […]

ECSC RANGE CLOSED on Sunday March 17th, St. Patrick’s day.

The range will not be open this coming Sunday, the 17th of March. Sorry for the short notice but it is the first time for a few years that St. Patrick’s day falls on a Sunday and we are not able to open the range on National Holidays. Business as usual will resume on Sunday […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 25th Feb. 2024.

Feb monthly competition report. We held the shooter of the year monthly competition on 25th Feb. There were 11 competitors shooting a total of 16 competitions. This was a fairly low turn out but even after the competition was finished the range was very quiet. Maybe it was the weather, a bit cold, or the […]

Shooting Skills Course Saturday 9th March

We are holding our next members Safety Course on Saturday 9th March at 10:00 a.m. The course will be held in the Rifle Range building. This course will be followed at 11:30 by  a Shooting Skills Course. Attendance on the Safety Course is mandatory for those people who have recently joined. You will get a […]

Monthly Sporting Rifle Report -Sunday 7th January 2024.

A small entry on a very wet and windy day. Well done to the stalwart club members who braved the elements. The 100 Metre stage was trickier than usual. The  shot dispersion was more vertical than horizontal as the wind was blowing down the range, towards the firing line.   There were two entries for […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 28th Jan. 2024

The first monthly Pistol Competition of the year followed the much loved T & P 1 Format.  We started at 10am and finished at about 12.30. We had 16 competitors shooting a total of 25 matches, utilising 6 bays. For the first time all T&P 1 matches were shot from the firing points inside the […]