Derrick Lambe Memorial Shoot 14th July 2024.

At this time, every year we hold a memorial shoot in honour of a much beloved member of our club who passed away 10 years ago. Derrick was a valued member who regularly competed  in our competitions and also helped in a major way to landscape our ranges and keep them looking good. We all […]

The Sunday 50 Clay competition.

Each Sunday, a band of hardy men get together on our range to shoot a 50 bird competition. Hardy men because they shoot, whatever the weather, mainly without cover. Each Sunday, the layout changes to provide new challenges. We have the ability to run the three main types of clay shooting disciplines, viz., Down the […]

The Three Masketeers.

At last(and maybe only one more opportunity for a long while, next Sunday, Dec 27th), we were open to all members yesterday and today. A good turnout today, but not the rush we were expecting as Covid closeted members threw off their temporary shackles and reveled in their freedom to get a few shots down […]

Christmas Charity Competition Sunday 8th December 2019

Each year since we have been at our current range, we have run a competition just before Christmas, the proceeds of which are donated to local charities. Is is designed as a fun event, involving our major disciplines with the format changed a bit each year. This year, competitors shot 12 clays sent towards them […]

This Sunday’s scheduled shoots have been subsumed into the Jubilee event.

As we expect a good crowd this weekend, it was thought prudent to cancel the usual monthly pistol shoot and weekly shotgun shoots and subsume them  into the Jubilee event. Turn up as usual and shoot in the all disciplines shoot. Shine, as usual, in your speciality and confound the nay sayers by also shining […]

Derrick Lambe Memorial Shoot Sunday 14th July 2019

This competition, which is held annually, in honour of one of our members who passed away a few years ago, was held on the Skeet range named after Derrick. He  had been a very active club member and was instrumental in getting the skeet range built. It was a wonderful, warm Summer’s day and everyone […]

Easter Shotgun Clay Egg Competition.

The Shotgun section added a little sweetener to the usual Sunday shoot last Sunday, the 14th of April, by having a 50 bird shoot for a selection of Easter Eggs. Most of these shooters are slim and elegant and can afford to eat a few eggs so competition was fierce. Who would get the Cadbury’s […]

Shotgun Competition Sunday 17th February 2019

Following the immediate success of last week’s report. here is the second in the series. It was a cold and windy day, but competition is intense between the top 3 shooters. Who will come out on top as the Shotgun shooter for the month of February?  

Shotgun Competition Sunday 10th February 2019

This is the first of the new style of reporting the results of our Sunday shotgun shoots. In each of these reports will be displayed a photo of the results sheets recorded on the day. Each shooter can be faced with the reality of how he performed as opposed to the vague memory that each […]