Gallery Rifle Pistol Competition results Sunday 25th September 2022

Eight ECSC members participated in the September pistol and gallery rifle competition, the first one of the new Club year. Considering that many of our members were abroad, it was a good turnout, and the good weather was welcomed. In fact, the conditions were almost perfect, with no rain or wind. This month the format […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 25th August 2022

A relatively small turnout for this competition this month as many people were still on holiday. Results shown below. Open Small Bore Pistol(red dot) Name X 5 4 3 2 1 M Total Rex C 45 20 40 3 108 Seán Mc 20 25 48 9 102 Seán M 15 20 44 15 2 96 […]

Prone Rifle any sight Shoot.    Saturday 10th Sept 2022 ECSC.

Prone Rifle any sight Shoot. Saturday 10th Sept 2022 ECSC. Any Rimfire .22 rifle Sporting or Target. No high velocity ammunition. .22 rimfire only. SIGHTS.  Any sight iron sights open/ peep/Telescopic Disciplines. (1) Prone Jacket and sling. (2) Prone Rested. Rested (A)Bipod and rear bag. (B)Front and rear bag. No Full Length /Sled / Micro […]

NASRPC National Competition on our range, 13/14th August.

A great weekend was had by all. Thank you very much to the volunteers from ECSC and other clubs who set up the ranges and the Office Systems that enabled us to run the competition. An immense amount of work goes on behind the scenes in marking the targets and entering the results. Well done […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 7th August2022

August Sporting Rifle Monthly Competition   Sunny, blue skies with a slight breeze greeted this month’s competitors for our monthly Sporting Rifle Competition.  It was a quiet day at the range with holiday season upon us but still five entrants shot across three different disciplines – Sporting Rifle (prone with sling), Field Sporting Rifle (prone […]

NASRPC Competition 13/14th August 2022

We are hosting an Open Competition for the NASRPC on our range on Saturday/Sunday, the 13/14th of August. Competitions offered will include 50/100 Metre prone, 50 Metre Benchrest and three small bore pistol disciplines. The means that the Rifle and Pistol ranges will be fully used between 10:00 and 16:00 each day and will not […]

National Competition – ECSC – August 2022

We are proud to be hosting a National Competition on our range on the 13/14th of August. This is an NASRPC competition offering all the usual Rifle and Pistol disciplines that we shoot on our range as a part of our regular monthly competitions. Some of you will have taken part in the monthly shoots […]

New Hybrid competition. Prone any Rifle, any sight Shoot. Saturday 9th July 2022 ECSC.

Since our club was founded over 50 years ago, we have had two mainstream Rifle disciplines. The first is the Olympic  ISSF style , using jackets and slings, shot in either the prone position or in the 3 position style(Prone, kneeling and standing). The second is the sporting rifle style, shot in many positions, rested […]

Target Shooting Ireland Recently Opened the new National Airgun Training Centre in Wilkinstown.

Target Shooting Ireland Recently Opened the new National Airgun Training Centre in Wilkinstown Navan Co Meath . ECSC are affiliated to TSI and members can, by arrangement, make use of the facilities which are currently confined to target air pistol and Rifle. There are also Laser and scatt set ups available along with a first […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 26th June 2022

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 26th June 2022   Competition Results Eight ECSC members arrived  up for the June gallery rifle and pistol competition. Holiday season and the dismal weather  saw a slight reduction in the numbers attending. We used the ‘Timed and Precision (T&P1)’ target set at the 25mts and 20mts mark and […]