Rifle Competition Results Sunday 4thJuly 2021

What a pleasure it is to return to normal. The first Sunday of the month, two Rifle competitions, one prone, one standing, both at 50 Metres. There was additional piquancy as the first local NASRPC shoot of this year will take place later this month at BRC on the 24th and 25th of July so we are getting ready to compete at National Level in the Keil Cup and other competitions. A good turnout on a reasonable day without strong environmental influences. The happy band of attendees can be seen in the photo, celebrating their freedom to roam in the open air.  A nice mixture of older and newer members with the latter growing in confidence and stepping up in the competition scene. A busy day on the range in general with good turnouts on the Pistol and Shotgun ranges. Two of the FSPR competition shooters used  a sling and no rest and their results showed up well against the rested shooters.( Asa R and Hugh D).




Anthony F3921
Asa R (sling unrested)3912
Sean Mc383183
Darragh F383124
Hugh D (sling unrested)3675
Stephen ) O'N3646
Patrick J3497
Sean Mc2801
Asa R26672
Hugh D26633
Darragh F 2494
Stephen O'N2245
Anthony F2236