Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Results 30th April 2023

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Results 30th April 2023 The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky as it greeted thirteen East Coast Shooting Club members to our monthly gallery rifle and pistol competition. The format of the day was the 25m Precision target (SBP25P) target set at the 25mts mark with […]

Colin Legg, R.I.P.

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Colin Legg, peacefully in his sleep, at St. Vincents Hospital Dublin, on the 3rd of May 2023. Colin was a rock of our club as he and Tony successfully ran the Shotgun section for many years. Most of our members will […]

ECSC Multi Disciplinary Team Visits France.

ECSC French Adventure On the 30 th March 2023 a hopeful group of East Coast members bravely set sail for France to shoot in the A.T.C.P.A Alencon. Normandy Spring Challenge. The group was made up of Syl D FB rifle and RF pistol, Frank B CF pistol, Dave C and Bryan P FB rifle. . […]


Our Xmas Charity shoot was postponed from last month to next weekend. This shoot has three main objectives: To present an opportunity for all members to get together and talk, so enjoying each other’s company and the festive season, even if delayed. To have fun by taking part in an unusual competition for rifle and […]

Nine volunteer members from East Coast Shooting Club turned out on a bright Saturday morning for the East Coast Shooting Club First Aid Training Course which was held on 24th September at Christ Church Rathgar. Mr Declan Keogh, a long standing and highly respected club member of East Coast Shooting Club, conducted the fully recognised […]

Prone Rifle any sight Shoot. Saturday 10th Sept 2022 ECSC. Results

This was a “Double Dewar” competition which meant that there were twice as many shots as usual. 80 in all. More pain for the knees and elbows, especially for the older members. But pain is no barrier for the dedicated shooters amongst us. We had two full details for this competition, spread across the different […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 7th August2022

August Sporting Rifle Monthly Competition   Sunny, blue skies with a slight breeze greeted this month’s competitors for our monthly Sporting Rifle Competition.  It was a quiet day at the range with holiday season upon us but still five entrants shot across three different disciplines – Sporting Rifle (prone with sling), Field Sporting Rifle (prone […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 3rd July 2022

With the first six months of the year now a memory, our shooters launched into the second half of the competitive year with our monthly rifle competition.  These are held on the first Sunday of the month and form a break from the usual solo shooting to offer the chance for some friendly rivalry. Prone […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 3rd April 2022

A lovely day for a Spring Shoot and a very  busy day on the range. We started with the usual two Rifle shoots. The first being the Prone Rifle competitions of 50 and 100 metres in two categories, one rested and one unrested with sling.  20 shots at each distance. Results shown in the table […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 19th December 2021

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 19th December 2021   Competition Results   Sunday morning was overcast, dry, cold and foggy, but that did not deter  the twelve ECSC members who turned up to compete. The ECSC ‘Compendium 2’ was a surprise to many who shot last month’s ‘Compendium 1’. Just when they thought they […]