Prone Target Rifle Nationals 9th September 2023

The Prone Target Rifle Nationals were held in ECSC on Saturday 9th September this is the first time they have been held since 2019 due to Covid . The Match was shot on full electronic targets with the top 8 competitors from the 60 Shot match taking part in an Olympic style final . The […]

August Monthly Club Rifle Competitions. 6th August 2023

Slightly later than usual, here is the shoot report for the two competitions held on the first Sunday of the month. The prone shoot was one card(20 shots), at 50 metres and one card(20 shots), at 100 metres. Notable from this shoot is that the winner shot a perfect card at 100 metres(200/200). Photos below.

Prone (and rested) Cross over Rifle, any sight Shoot. Saturday 30th July 2023.

We had 11 entrants for this crossover shoot on a warm and breezy day, thankfully without rain, a very rare event this July. The format was 40 shots at 50 metres and 40 shots at 100 metres, making 80 shots over 4 cards in total. 10 people shot prone and one shot rested. I can […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 2nd July 2023.

It being the height of the vacation season, a small number of competitors arrived for the usual monthly rifle comps. Never the less, the competition was fierce although the conditions were mild. Results below.

Prone (and rested) Cross over Rifle, any sight Shoot. Saturday 20th May 2023.

Prone (and rested) Cross over Rifle, any sight Shoot. Saturday 20th May 2023. Since our club was founded over 50 years ago, we have had two mainstream Rifle disciplines. The first is the Olympic ISSF style , using jackets and slings, shot in either the prone position or in the 3 position style(Prone, kneeling and […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 7th May 2023

A nice pleasant day for the usual Monthly Prone Rifle Shoot. Weather was fine and winds were gentle so no excuse there. Some interesting results results with less experienced shooters doing well. Congratulations to Stephen and Joshua for achieving fine results. Results below.

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 2nd April 2023

It was a pleasure to get out last Sunday morning after the incessant rain of the previous week. Conditions were good with a mild temperature and little wind. Turn out was low as a number of the usual entrants were either on a club team that was visiting a club in France for some competitions, […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 5th March 2023

A Grand Day to be out on the range following a Grand Day to be out on the MNSCI range on the previous day. Exhausted as we were, we were still up for another two competitions on the following day. Hardy men! Those who regularly shoot competitions will know well what I am discussing here. […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 5th February 2023

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 5th February 2023. Sunday was a very pleasant day to be out in the open. It was bright, although cold in the shadows. 10 competitors took part with total entries adding up to 15. There was little wind so no excuse. 3 different disciplines were on offer: FSPR, 20 shots at […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 8th January 2023

The New Year had started with a few bangs and some surprises. Clearly ,  many of our regular Rifle Shooters felt the need to get onto the range as quickly as possible in the New Year so we were busy on the range today. We had opened the range to members of other clubs and […]