Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 27th February 2022

A bitterly cold day but a reasonable turnout of members shooting Rim Fire and Centre Fire semi autos and revolvers. Format was the 25 metre precision consisting of one sighter target and 3 scoring targets of 10 shots each, shot in 3 minutes per target. Results and pictures of some of the participants are shown […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 19th December 2021

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 19th December 2021   Competition Results   Sunday morning was overcast, dry, cold and foggy, but that did not deter  the twelve ECSC members who turned up to compete. The ECSC ‘Compendium 2’ was a surprise to many who shot last month’s ‘Compendium 1’. Just when they thought they […]

Last pistol Competition of the year and Stephen’s Day closure

The range will not be open on Sunday 26th December as it is a Bank Holiday and St. Stephen’s day. As the last Sunday of any month is usually the day on which we run the monthly Club Pistol shoot, we have brought it forward by a week due to popular demand. The format will […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 31st October 2021

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 31st October 2021   Competition Results   Our pistol range was a bee hive of activity this morning when twelve ECSC members turned up for our ‘Shooter of the Year’ gallery rifle and pistol competition. This morning’s competition was the challenging T&P1 with the HPS being 300.030. Shooters had […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 29th August 2021

  Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 29th August 2021   Competition Results   This morning we had ten ECSC members turn up for our monthly gallery rifle and pistol competition. The mornings competition was the challenging enough Multi-Target (MT). Pistol targets were placed one above the other and rifle targets side by side. Our […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 25th July 2021.

SHOOT REPORT – PISTOL AND GALLERY RIFLE COMPETITION 25 JULY 2021. This Sunday dawned bright, very warm and dry. Conditions on the range were perfect if a little warm for our monthly shoot using the well-tried NASRPC Multi-Target format, where 120.024 is the HPS. However competitor numbers were low, due mainly to a combination of […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 27th June 2021

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 27th June 2021 Competition Results   Thirteen ECSC members turned up for our first gallery rifle and pistol competition since 30th August 2020. I had received very positive feedback from many competitors who took part in last year’s shoot with the suggestion that I run the same format for […]

The Three Masketeers.

At last(and maybe only one more opportunity for a long while, next Sunday, Dec 27th), we were open to all members yesterday and today. A good turnout today, but not the rush we were expecting as Covid closeted members threw off their temporary shackles and reveled in their freedom to get a few shots down […]

Rough Day on the Range. October Monthly Rifle Shoot Report

This was the day for hardy men to show what they were made of. The wind and rain were apocalyptic in proportion, as if we did not have biblical plagues already. Attendance was reduced to locals, in accordance with the Covid restrictions but there were enough attendees to run two competitions. We started with the […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 27th September 2020

Considering the times that are in it and the number of members who could not travel from Dublin, the attendance at today’s shoot was good.In general, the range has been quieter than usual since the Dublin Level 3 lockdown, which is very understandable. Today we had just over half of the usual numbers for a […]