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National Competition – East Coast Shooting Club – August 2021

National Competition – East Coast Shooting Club – August 2021 The National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs have sanctioned a National Competition in East Coast Shooting Club, Co. Wicklow on the 14th and 15th August 2021 ________________________________________ Disciplines: • Prone Rifle • Benchrest Rifle • Smallbore Pistol / Open Smallbore Pistol • Smallbore […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 25th July 2021.

SHOOT REPORT – PISTOL AND GALLERY RIFLE COMPETITION 25 JULY 2021. This Sunday dawned bright, very warm and dry. Conditions on the range were perfect if a little warm for our monthly shoot using the well-tried NASRPC Multi-Target format, where 120.024 is the HPS. However competitor numbers were low, due mainly to a combination of […]

Rifle Competition Results Sunday 4thJuly 2021

What a pleasure it is to return to normal. The first Sunday of the month, two Rifle competitions, one prone, one standing, both at 50 Metres. There was additional piquancy as the first local NASRPC shoot of this year will take place later this month at BRC on the 24th and 25th of July so […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 27th June 2021

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 27th June 2021 Competition Results   Thirteen ECSC members turned up for our first gallery rifle and pistol competition since 30th August 2020. I had received very positive feedback from many competitors who took part in last year’s shoot with the suggestion that I run the same format for […]

Safety Procedures and Shooting Skills Course Saturday 19th June.

This course was run at the ECSC Diamond Hill Range last Saturday. It was intended to provide a detailed introduction to the Safety Rules and Procedures in use on our range and also as an introduction to the  skills and practices which help develop competence in target shooting. 22 members who have joined the club […]


Enthusiasm.   Today and last Sunday were very busy days on the range. In addition to the members returning after lockdown, it was a delight to welcome so many new members who have joined our club in the last two months. I am told that many outdoor sports clubs have had a rush of new […]

Special Archery Dates for your diary

We are very pleased with the increased enthusiasm for outdoor sports which seems to have been driven by the COVID lockdowns. This has resulted in an unprecedented number of application  to join our club. Most of these have been for the shooting sports  but we also have a number of people keen to take up […]

Range reopened today to all members.

What a pleasure it was  today, to arrive early on the range and get set up for the expected return for many members after months in the wilderness of not being allowed to visit. In the interim, they could only  imagine the pleasure of going into one of the most beautiful parts of our country, […]