Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Report: February 2015

I have to admit that looking at the weather forecast for Sundays shoot I thought that I might be the only shooter on the firing line!! Rain and storms were promised and although the storms didn’t materialise the rain did by way of drizzle borne on the breeze, sticky wet stuff which glued the targets to the back-boards […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Report: January 2015

The first competition of 2015 was shot in mild and calm conditions which proved very favourable for gallery shooting purposes. Although it clouded over during the morning it didn’t spoil the day. Once again a high number of entries ensured a busy morning for the Range Officer with a total of sixteen entries being registered […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Report: December 2014

The years competitions were finished off to-day with a shoot conducted in clear, sunny, bright but cold conditions which were favourable for gallery shooting purposes. It stayed dry throughout the morning and a total of seventeen entries were registered for the three categories of Rim-fire Pistol, Centre-fire Pistol and Rim-fire Gallery Rifle. We used the […]