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ECSC Member Now Holds 5 National Shooting Records

  Anthony Fagan showing his winners medal in the ‘Open’ field sporting rifle at 100mts in Bracken Shooting Club. EAST COAST MEMBER NOW HOLDS FIVE NATIONAL SHOOTING RECORDS. Members will be very familiar with Anthony Fagan from his enthusiastic conducting of the monthly pistol and gallery rifle competitions but Anthony’s heart has long been in […]

Monthly Prone Field sporting Rifle and 50 Metre Precision Competition. Sunday 1st September 2019.

Monthly Prone Field sporting Rifle and 50 Metre Precision Competition.   The monthly 50metre prone rifle and 50metre Precision rifle competitions were conducted today at the club. Weather conditions were benign and mild but a light to moderate wind swirled about the range from time to time. Regretfully only two competitors turned up to fire […]

Keil Trophy success again for ECSC.

The annual Keil trophy competition was staged by the NASRPC on the BRC range in Bohernabreena near Tallaght, Co. Dublin.Our club has worked well with BRC for nearly 40 years.We have often competed against them at National Level and on a club versus club basis and we have enjoyed all of this history.  When we […]

50th Anniversary multi Discipline Competition

This competition was held today on our range. All entrants competed in 4 disciplines,viz., Archery, Pistol Shooting, Rifle Shooting and Clay Pidgeon shooting. There were 10 shots in each section adding up to a total of 400 points as highest possible score. It was a lovely day with a mild breeze, warm and balmy. I […]

Invitation to our Golden Jubilee event-next Sunday 28th July

This is the 50th year that the club has been in existence. We have a lot to remember and celebrate.We also have a lot to look forward to as the club grows, adds new members and develops new shooting disciplines. We have been very successful at the National level as our members have competed individually […]