Time to Tidy Up!

Our range needs a bit of work to return it to looking neat and tidy again. The Covid 19 lock down has meant that the usual maintenance work has not been possible and it shows. In addition, some building maintenance and repair work is needed. We have an Open National Shoot scheduled for our range in early August and we need to put our best foot forward. We have scheduled work parties on the next two Wednesdays and Saturdays(1st and 8th, 4th and 11th July) to complete the work. We need your help with this. The work parties start at 10:00am each of these days. Please come and help. No special skills  are required. Come when you want and leave when you want, all help is appreciated. Bring a hammer if you like bashing things and a spade if you need a dig out. Please email admin@eastcoastshootingclub.com to let us know if and when you can help.

Thank you from the  club committee.