Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 28th May 2023

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly report 28th May 2023

A beautiful sunny morning, with not a cloud in the sky, invited the eleven ECSC members who turned up for our ‘Shooter of the Year’ gallery rifle and pistol competition. We had eighteen entries in three disciplines, one more entry on this time last year. An increase, no matter how small is always welcomed. This morning’s competition was the challenging T&P1 with the HPS being 300.030. Shooters had to shoot twelve shots at the target from twenty-five metres in two minutes with one reload. After that they moved to the fifteen-metre line where they had to shoot another twelve shots. This time one shot in two seconds with five second intervals twelve times and each time returning their pistols to the parallel position between shots. Finally finishing up at the ten-metre line to shoot three strings of two shots in three seconds with five second intervals between each two shots. My thanks to Paul F for standing in as RO for the last two details and allowing me to shoot.
With eight entries in the small-bore pistol open sighs (SBP) competition, six in the open small-bore pistol (OSBP) and four in the gallery rifle (GRSB) the honours for all three went to Rex C. Congratulations and well-done Rex, it looks like you are a force to be reckoned with. Full results below.
I wish to thank everyone who turned up to shoot what was a very enjoyable competition. Our next monthly competition shoot will be on 25th June 2023 with first shots off at 10:00. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
Anthony F
Gallery Rifle and Pistol Section

Name SBP
Rex C 290
Paul F 276
AngeloS 226
Ed P 223
Marie F 221
Sandy W 211
Jack L 170

Rex C 293
SeanMcE 292
AngeloS 265
Ed P 256
Marie F 219

Rex C 292
Paul F 273