Blast From The Past—1984

  Another blast from the past, courtesy of Anthony F. who sent me the photo. You can see a number of current and past members of the club in this photo including Dave C, and Terry M. in Australia. It was taken in 1984 at a presentation of medals won in National competitions that year. […]


COMPETITION RESULTS   MONTHLY PISTOL/GALLERY RIFLE SHOOT 30th SEPTEMBER 2018 A bright, cool morning brought sixteen entries from our regular shooters (and one or two not so regular shooters) who turned out in force to shoot the September Pistol/Gallery Rifle Competition, using the Multi-Target format (HPS 120). Thanks to everybody for competing in such good […]

ECSC Success in Ballykinler(N.I) Vintage and Target Rifle Competitions

E.C.S.C. Success at N.I. Open   ECSC’s Cathal C. completed a virtually clean sweep of the Classic Rifle events in the Northern Ireland Open at Ballykinler over the weekend 15th – 16th September.  He won all the individual matches except one and duly went on to take the Blair Mayne Trophy for the Championship, pictured […]

New Competition Format– 50 Meter Gallery Rifle Precision tried out today!

      Our Pistol section organiser, Paul F. ran the first of a new series of monthly competitions on the range today. The Format is as follows:- Standing position Distance 50 Meters One unlimited sighter card and 3 score cards of 10 shots in 5 minutes per card. Target used is similar to the […]

2018 National Silhouette Shooting Championships.

2018 National Silhouette Shooting Championships. The 2018 National Championships were held over the last two days on the ECSC range at Roundwood, County Wicklow. Attendance was good with 4 clubs sending competitors. The disciplines shot were SBHR, SBR, Air Rifle and Unlimited.Most competitors entered all disciplines meaning that each competitor shot 160 rounds on each […]

Demonstration of ISSF Supported Shooting hosted at the E.C.S.C. range on Saturday last, 25th August.

Target Shooting Ireland conducted an Introduction and Demonstration of ISSF Supported Shooting hosted at the E.C.S.C. range on Saturday last, 25th August. Supported Shooting is a new discipline which allows the use of certain artificial supports in lieu of those used in the traditional shooting positions.  E.g. the equivalent to prone allows the same jacket […]

Competition Results Monthly Pistol Shoot 26th August 2018

COMPETITION RESULTS   MONTHLY SHOOT 26th. August 2018 Once again we experienced an excellent turnout to-day on a cool and damp, overcast morning. Full lines ensued with the three categories well subscribed. With 20 entries, the second highest number this year, we proceeded to shoot the Timed and Precision 1 format, many members opted to […]

Keil Trophy Success for ECSC

The NASRPC held a National shoot on our range, last Sunday the 12th August. 6 pistol disciplines and 6 Rifle disciplines were catered for including Metallic Silhouettes. The detailed results will be published on the NASRPC website later this week but the Keil Trophy results were worked out on the day. This competition has been […]

Roads Closed between Kilmacanogue and Roundwood next Sunday, the 19th August.

All members planning to visit the range this Sunday, the 19th of August should note that there will be road closures between Kilmacanaogue and Roundwood as a result of the Ironman Triathlon event which is taking place. The map below shows which roads will be closed and the times. The best way to get to […]