E.C.S.C. Target Rifle Shooters at Bisley

E.C.S.C. Target Rifle Shooters at Bisley   A group of Irish shooters recently attended the British National Smallbore Meeting at the famous Bisley shooting ranges.  The majority of the group was made up of ECSC shooters who duly “flew the flag” for the club at this prestigious venue. As well as meeting and competing with […]

Open Charity Shoot Sunday 28th May in aid of Mary’s Meals

Open Charity Shoot Sunday 28th May in aid of Mary’s Meals   We are holding an open fund raising charity Sporting Clay Shoot on Sunday 28th May starting at 12 mid day. Mary’s meals states the following about what it does:   Our vision Every child deserves an education – and enough to eat. Our […]

Range not open on Easter Sunday!

In accordance with the regulations governing the use of our range, the range will not be open this Sunday, the 16th April(Easter Sunday)

Easter EGG Competition Sunday 9th April.

EASTER EGG Competition Sunday 9th April   A special Easter holiday competition has been organised by the Shotgun section to attract the club members from other disciplines who would not usually enter such an event. The regular shotgun shooters will also be happy to hear that they will also get prizes for the first, second, […]

Silhouette Shooting Course, this Sunday 5th February.

We are holding an introduction session to Metallic Silhouette shooting on our range this coming Sunday 5th Feb. It is primarily for club members but non members are welcome. You will need your .22LR rifle, license, proof of insurance and low velocity(target) ammo. Starting at 11:00am. If interested, please use the “contact us” page of […]

The Sunday Blog 22nd January 2017

Two interesting events on the range today, despite a frosty start. First event was the Pistol Shooting Course run by Frank B who was the Club Pistol Shooter of the Year in 2016. Frank has much experience of Pistol Competitions over the years and we were delighted when he offered to share this with other […]

New Pistol Shooting Course Jan 22nd.

Calling all East Coast Shooting Club Pistol shooters!! A pistol shooting coaching master class will be led by Frank B. in the club on Sunday 22 January 2017, commencing at 11am. Instruction including hints and tips gathered over the years will be imparted covering all the basics of the shooting discipline and embodying all of […]

John Gale Trophy winning team announced.

The John Gale trophy was presented to the club in the 1970’s by one of the founder members. It has been used a a team competition over many , varied courses of fire. This year it formed part of the club Charity Christmas shoot. Teams of 3 were selected at random and their combined scores, […]


MONTHLY PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT 18 DECEMBER 2016. For this month’s shoot the T&P1 (Modified) format was used which is adjusted to be usable by pistol shooters and gallery rifle aficionados – who in fairness haven’t had many competitions in recent times. The format called for double-handed timed and rapid fire shooting at 25 and 15 […]

ECSC Charity XMAS SHOOT Sunday 11th December 2016

You will be aware that the club XMAS shoot is coming up on the 11th of December. This will be the biggest and best shoot that we have run in a very long time. The competition will be more varied than previous shoots and is designed to give every one an equal chance of winning […]