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New Pistol Shooting Course Jan 22nd.

Calling all East Coast Shooting Club Pistol shooters!! A pistol shooting coaching master class will be led by Frank B. in the club on Sunday 22 January 2017, commencing at 11am. Instruction including hints and tips gathered over the years will be imparted covering all the basics of the shooting discipline and embodying all of […]

John Gale Trophy winning team announced.

The John Gale trophy was presented to the club in the 1970’s by one of the founder members. It has been used a a team competition over many , varied courses of fire. This year it formed part of the club Charity Christmas shoot. Teams of 3 were selected at random and their combined scores, […]

Christmas Charity Competition 11th December

Our annual Xmas Charity competition was held on the 11th of December with just under 50 people taking part. The weather was kind and great fun was had by all, especially the families of members who were coming to the range for the first time. The competition combined rifle and shotgun shooting and was designed […]


MONTHLY PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT 18 DECEMBER 2016. For this month’s shoot the T&P1 (Modified) format was used which is adjusted to be usable by pistol shooters and gallery rifle aficionados – who in fairness haven’t had many competitions in recent times. The format called for double-handed timed and rapid fire shooting at 25 and 15 […]


  MONTHLY PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT  27 NOVEMBER 2016. Once again I must tender my thanks to Maurice B, Kevin  B and Mark for stepping in to conduct this months’ competition for me These stalwart heroes are shown in the top photo above.. This month we reverted to the tried and tested NRA Slow Fire format. […]

ECSC Charity XMAS SHOOT Sunday 11th December 2016

You will be aware that the club XMAS shoot is coming up on the 11th of December. This will be the biggest and best shoot that we have run in a very long time. The competition will be more varied than previous shoots and is designed to give every one an equal chance of winning […]


MONTHLY PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT 30 OCTOBER 2016. My thanks to Maurice B and Mark for stepping in to conduct this months’ competition for me. By way of a change this competition was a modified NRA Slow Fire format using novelty targets with a Halloween motif, and it proved a popular change to the more formal […]

Pistol Shooter of the Year–Results announced.

PISTOL SHOOTER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2016 After many tough competitions and much friendly rivalry, it is a pleasure to announce the winners of the  rolling competition which has taken place each month since September 2015. The medals were presented to the winners at the club AGM.     Rimfire section: First Place Frank B […]


PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT    25th September 2016.   Weather was excellent and even manged to generate reflections from the targets! This mornings’ competition utilised the T&P1 (Modified) format, firing at 10,15 and 25 yards three serials. For added challenge this month it was shot single-handed. HPS was 300.   Congratulations to Sylvester on his win […]

Target Rifle Success!

Sean Marn. has sent us a report about a recent successful visit by two members of our Target Rifle section to a competition in Northern Ireland. Dave C. won the Don Baker Trophy   and Sean Marn.  won the Getgood cup,  a trophy which dates from 1932. Dave C. also won 2 gold medals and Sean Marn., won […]