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Notification of Fee increase for the year 2019-2020

The annual fee for most members has stayed the same for the last 10 years. This is a very unusual situation. How many of your other bills or subscriptions have done the same? We did reduce the discount for retired members from 50 %to 25% as we have an increasing number of pensioners and they […]

Rifle competitions Sunday 7th July

The first Sunday of the month saw us running the usual two competitions, 50 Metre Field Sporting Rifle prone and 50 Metre Precision Rifle Standing. Many of the usual competitors were on holiday or competing in the NASRPC Nationa Open competition in  the Bracken Club in Northern Ireland so the entry level was lower than […]

50th Anniversary Club Center Fire Shoot

When the club was first formed, there was a wide variety of calibres in use, ranging from .22LR through .303 to more exotic guns primarily used for deer culling. The 1972 legislation reduced that variety to .22 calibres only, eventually allowing the 22/250 and it’s European equivalent the 5.6 x 57. Since that time,  a […]

Reminder Archery Open day Sunday 23rd June 2019

The Archery section is running an open day, next Sunday the 23rd June, starting at 11:00am. Coaching and competitions will be available so come and have ago if you have not tried it before. You never know, you could be a Robin Hood or Maid Marion!

ECSC TARGET RIFLE OPEN 2019– Sunday 16th June.

ECSC TARGET RIFLE OPEN 2019   “F-50” – FASSAROE 50th ANNIVERSARY       The club’s annual Open, on this occasion marking the 50th Anniversary of the Fassaroe Club, was held on Sunday 16th June.   The day started wet, but with the wind apparently correspondingly damped down.  Later in the morning the rain stopped […]