1969 - 2019

Welcome to the web site of the East Coast Shooting Club. We are based in Roundwood, County Wicklow, about 45 minutes drive from Dublin. Members can use the site to keep up to date with the news and results of recent competitions. People interested in taking up shooting as a hobby  and joining can use this site to see what we do, what our facilities are like, and find out how to contact us to see our ranges. See the “about ECSC ” section for “how to  join” and the fees.

Latest News


Weather to-day was excellent to start with, sunny and warm but then became overcast and warm finishing off with drizzle and warm!! Numbers were the highest ever with sixteen entries in total being registered. Centrefire competitors turned up again but in small numbers. This mornings’ competition repeated the July format, using the NRA 25Yard Precision […]

The Sunday Blog 28th August

Two competitions were held on the range today, viz. the monthly club pistol shoot and a Dublin University Rifle Club team shoot. The Pistol competition is described in the accompanying post on this page. The target Rifle shoot was one of a series in which teams from different clubs compete on a variety of ranges, […]

The Keil Cup Competition Sunday 14th August 2016

The Keil Cup  was inaugurated in the 1980’s as a competition run on a club team basis between all NASRPC clubs who wished to participate. The format is 2 paper targets of 20 shots each at 50 Metres (the highest scored target to count),  plus 20 silhouettes at the usual distances. The teams consist of 4 […]


PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT    31st July 2016.   Weather was excellent to-day, a nice change from Junes offering. What with the August Weekend numbers were lower than usual. Only one centrefire competitor turned up along with nine rim-fire aficionados.  Good fun was had and a competitive spirit prevailed with good natured commentary by all throughout […]

National Competition Sunday 24th July

We are hosting an NASRPC shoot on our range on Sunday 24th July. We are expecting a high number of participants and this means that all of the firing points on the rifle and pistol ranges will be booked up for the competitions. If you want to shoot in the competitions, then details can be […]

Calendar of Events