Inter Club Competition. Sunday 16th June 2024.

Today we held the first part of the Wicklow Shooting Clubs inter club competition. The photos below show how the good weather made everyone smile. Turn out was good and scoring was noticeably higher than in recent times. Maybe it was the good weather. Maybe it was in the inter club rivalry. Whatever it was, it brought out the best perfomances. Most of the attendees, from whatever club, know each other over the years. Wicklow is a small place so it is no surprise that such relationships exist.

The rules are set out below:

Shooting to take place at East Coast Shooting Club Starting at 10am
1) .22 LR (standard velocity ammo only) 50 meters prone, front and rear bags permitted. NASRPC 6 bull target 20 scoring shots maximum score 200
2) Shotgun: 25 bird skeet layout, Only Fibre wad cartridges are permitted, maximum score 100
Cost: €15 for clays + €5 competition entry, shotgun will start around 12:30
Shooting will take place at one of the other club ranges, Starting at 11pm
1) Centerfire Rifle, (Deer Calibre) from seated position, 5 shots rested and 5 shots unsupported maximum score 100
2)Pistol (either rimfire or centerfire with iron sights or red dot) 20 shots at 25m precision targets, maximum score 200
Cost €5 competition entre

Scoring: Subject to numbers the highest 5 scores from each club in each discipline will be aggregated to establish the winning score.
Entrants that are members of 2 or more clubs can declare on the day which club they are representing
Entrants that don’t have all of the above firearms can still take part and their score in whichever firearm they use will be included.

It is intended to hold this competition on an annual basis the winning club will have their name engraved on the trophy or plaque and will retain until the following year’s competition.