Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 25th August 2024

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 25th August 2024


Nine ECSC members turned up for the August ‘Shooter of the Year’ gallery rifle and pistol competition. The weather started off with rain, but this passed as the morning went on. We shot the competition indoors and moved the target frames towards us for each of the three distances.

The course of fire on the morning was the TP1, shot from 25mts, 15mts and 10mts with the highest possible score of 300.030. We had fourteen entries across five disciplines. Rex C took the honours in the SBP and the GRSB events, with Emmanuel K winning the OSBP event.  Eddie K won both the CFP and the OCFP events. A big thanks to Marie F for running the administration. Results below.

A special thank you to everyone who turned up to make this a competitive and enjoyable shoot. Our next monthly competition will be held on the 29th of September 2024. It will be the 25M precision event with the first shots off at 10:00. Looking forward to seeing you all again.

Anthony F

On behalf of Gallery Rifle and Pistol Section



Rex C 292
Cathal C 280
Marie F 275
Trevor J 243
Ed P 232
Jack L 172
Emmanuel K 294
Rex C 288
Cathal C 276
Eddie K 274
Eddie K 289
Trevor J 260
Rex C 290
Steffan J 283