The People Who Keep The Club Running.

  The People Who Keep The Club Running. Clubs like ours depend on members volunteering to do work to keep the club operating. Some of these members offer themselves up for offices on the committee. Other members step up to the mark and attend work sessions on the range to keep it functioning. These work […]

Keeping it Local!

Each year in December, for the last 20 years, we  hold a Christmas Competition to raise funds for Local Charities. We like to support local organisations and “Good Causes”, hence past donations have included Roundwood and Wicklow based  schools, sports clubs, and Charitable Organisations. This year  our donation  has gone to the Dublin and Wicklow […]

Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 2nd February 2025.

A cold and wet February day did not deter all members from taking part in the Monthly  50/100 metre prone shoot. 5 took part but one participant withdrew with equipment problems. There was little wind but ample rain and the ground was waterlogged. We all look forward to the return of light, balmy breezes. The […]

Charity Christmas shoot, 15/12/2024

As before at this time of the year, the ECSC held it’s annual Charity Christmas shoot to help out local charities. We discuss which charities each year but we always come back to the community in which we operate our club and hence think it is most appropriate to “stay local”. The final decision as […]

Monthly Pistol Competition. (part of shooter of the year) 24th November.

Pistol Competition  report 24th Nov Multi Target The monthly SOTY competition was held on 24th November shooting the Multi target course of fire. The weather was very cold but 12 hardy members showed up to shoot a total of 17 disciplines which was a good turnout considering the conditions. The most popular discipline on the […]

Archery Section Report 3/11/2024

This is a visual report from the most imaginative section of the club. I have not yet received any results, but I must share the photos from the event.I must admit to being a bit spooked as I was not sure what day it was.Each time I looked over at the Archery range, I saw […]

Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 3rd November 2024.

We held the usual prone rested 50/100 metre FSPR shoot today. Perfect conditions although the light was a little dull. No wind so no excuses but scores were a bit up and down from the partipants previous records. Our latest recruit Tom B who is  young and only shooting in his second ever competition, improved […]

Monthly Pistol Competition. (part of shooter of the year) Oct 27th

Monthly Pistol Competition. (part of shooter of the year) Oct 27th T & P 1 The discipline was T & P 1 held on 27th Oct and we had 18 shooters taking part in 25 competitions. We had many new shooters to the discipline which was good feedback as regards acceptance of the way the […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 29th September 2024

The Sept SOTY competition was held on 29/09/2024. The discipline was 25m Precision. We had 11 shooters and 16 entries. It would have been 12 shooters, but someone forgot the bolt for their pistol, a mistake I will not make again! It was a reasonable  turn out, considering the weather . It was a bit […]

Colin Legge Memorial Shoot/ Sunday 22nd September 2024.

We were delighted to hold a 25 Bird Down The Line Competition this Sunday, in honour of our member, Colin Legge who passed away last year. Colin was one of the club’s stalwarts and was present every Sunday to manage the office and oversee the Clay Pigeon competitions. We all still miss him. Each time […]