Target Rifle Section Christmas Competition.

The Target Rifle Section held its annual End-of-Season / Pre-Xmas Shoot today, the   1st December.   The regular dedicated highly specialised Olympic/ISSF group attended.  After a zeroing session for shooters with new sights or sight fittings we commenced around 11:30.  Conditions were benign with a dull but even light and a mild breeze freshening as […]

Gallery Rifle 50 Metre Precision Competition 4th November

One day ahead of Guy Fawkes night there were no fireworks to be seen but there were a few sparklers!  A few hardy men and some spectators arrived to compete. The early  arrivals are  pictured below(except for the photographer) of course):- Conditions were benign with little wind so no excuses could be found if your […]

2018 National Silhouette Shooting Championships.

2018 National Silhouette Shooting Championships. The 2018 National Championships were held over the last two days on the ECSC range at Roundwood, County Wicklow. Attendance was good with 4 clubs sending competitors. The disciplines shot were SBHR, SBR, Air Rifle and Unlimited.Most competitors entered all disciplines meaning that each competitor shot 160 rounds on each […]

E.C.S.C. Spring 2018 Target Rifle Open Competition

E.C.S.C. Spring 2018 Target Rifle Open The E.C.S.C. Spring ’18 T/R Open was held at the club’s range on Sunday 22nd April.There was a modest but select(!) entry.  Results, which are set out below, were mixed, but we hope all who took part enjoyed themselves and/or gained some valuable experience from the day.   Competitor […]

National Silhouette Association Championships 2017

The NSAI National Sihouette Championship competitions were held on the ECSC range in Roundwood over last weekend. Four separate disciplines were included namely, SBR,SBHR, Air rifle and Unlimited Rifle. The latter discipline is designed to cater for the typical rifles used in the NASRPC Gallery rifle competitions which are held on many ranges throughout the […]

Results–ECSC Open

E.C.S.C.  OPEN  2017. The results of the recent ECSC Open Target Rifle shoot, held on Sunday 9th July 2017 are shown below:     We express our appreciation to the members of the 5 clubs who took part..   Held;  9th July 2017       Competitor Target Class Overall Class Overall No. Name Club […]


  Due to planning permission restrictions there was NO shoot in March over Easter Weekend so the March shoot was conducted to-day, with Maurice standing in for the undersigned to act as RSO. Many thanks Maurice and also to Mark O’ for couriering the targets and score sheets to the range for me!!   The […]

NSAI April 3rd Shoot results

The overall shoot results are shown below. Details of the various classification results have been sent to the competitors.  

February Pistol Shoot Report

PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT. 28th FEBRUARY. Fine, cold but clear weather brought a record number of shooters out to the range with eighteen entries recorded in total.  This mornings’ shoot used the T&P1 (Modified) format and was  shot at 10, 15 and 25 metres range, single handed. Thanks to all who took the trouble to travel […]

Pistol Competition Report January

PISTOL COMPETITION 31 st January 2016. This morning saw a very good turnout of twelve entries to compete in our monthly pistol shoot.   This mornings’ shoot used the NRA Slow Fire format and was shot at 15metres range, single handed. The weather was very windy which challenged single handed shooting. Thanks to all who […]