The People Who Keep The Club Running.

  The People Who Keep The Club Running. Clubs like ours depend on members volunteering to do work to keep the club operating. Some of these members offer themselves up for offices on the committee. Other members step up to the mark and attend work sessions on the range to keep it functioning. These work […]

Monthly Rifle Competition. March 2nd 2025

A nice warm spring day called for a fresh approach to this year’s monthly Rifle competitions. Most people who are new to our sport are often a bit reluctant to enter a competition. They are quite comfortable spending an hour or two plinking away at a competition target(which is our default target) but they are […]

Keeping it Local!

Each year in December, for the last 20 years, we  hold a Christmas Competition to raise funds for Local Charities. We like to support local organisations and “Good Causes”, hence past donations have included Roundwood and Wicklow based  schools, sports clubs, and Charitable Organisations. This year  our donation  has gone to the Dublin and Wicklow […]

New Archery Grading System Introduced.

Our Archery section recently introduced a new Grading system which signifies the progress made in developing accuracy with a bow on our range. There are 9 grades in total, which  are shown in the table below, from lowest to highest. We aim to hold a grading shoot every month, and the scores from these grading […]

Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 2nd February 2025.

A cold and wet February day did not deter all members from taking part in the Monthly  50/100 metre prone shoot. 5 took part but one participant withdrew with equipment problems. There was little wind but ample rain and the ground was waterlogged. We all look forward to the return of light, balmy breezes. The […]

Monthly Pistol Competition. (part of shooter of the year) Jan 26th 2025

SOTY report 26th Jan 2025 T & P 1 I would like to thank the shooters who turned up today for the T & P 1 competition in what were horrendous conditions. The rain was torrential and the wind howling. Not very pleasant conditions for shooting. We were debating whether to go ahead with the […]

December 29-12-24.  Monthly Pistol Competition Results.

December 29-12-24.  Monthly Pistol Competition Results.   This was the last  monthly competition in the 2024 calendar year, as part of the  Shooter of the  Year 2024/2025 competition. The discipline was 25m Precision. The conditions were very good with a little wind. The turn out was reasonable considering that we are still in the Festive […]

Rifle Practice Day Saturday 24th August

We had planned to run a crossover Rifle competition on this day but were not able to hence we are making it available for practice. Start 10:00am Finish 1:00pm.  If anyone is present at 1:00pm and wishes to continue shooting we will extend to 2:00pm. Anyone not arriving until after 1:00pm runs the risk of […]

ECSC win back the KEIL Trophy!

This trophy has been eagerly contested between the major shooting clubs for 20 years. The clubs who most often won it were the ECSC and the BRC. Courtlough won it for the previous two years but now it has returned to the people who most appreciate it, the ECSC. The rules have varied a little […]


MATCH REPORT NASRPC IRISH OPEN AT FERMOY RIFLE CLUB 05TH -07TH JULY 2024. The weekend of the 05 to 07 July saw the NASRPC Irish Open staged at Fermoy Rifle Club in challenging weather conditions of showers and a gusty wind.       In between showers, shorts were the appropriate attire! The range was […]