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PISTOL COMPETITION REPORT    24th APRIL 2016.   Maurice stood-in for the undersigned once more to act as RSO. Many thanks Maurice once again as work took me away from the club yet again! The weather was good, the interest keen and a good number of members turned up to shoot in both rimfire and […]

Sunday Blog April 17th

Just a short blog today to say what a nice, warm sunny day it was on the range today, after the biting cold Easterly winds of last week. Is it really Spring? Just to prove that Spring is here, we were visited today by a group of students from the TCD Rifle Club who joined […]

The Sunday Blog 3rd April 2016

Another very busy day on the range with 2 competitions running and many visitors from other clubs. The monthly pistol shoot write up and results will be posted here later. The other competition was the National Silhouette Association’ regular monthly shoot which attracted visitors from as far away as TIpperary and as you know, it […]

The Sunday Blog

Very busy day on the range today as we hosted the NSSAI March National Competition. People came from all over Leinster to take part, even from Tipperary!. ECSC member Nick F was first and modesty forbids me from naming the person who was third.. The photo below shows some of the participants having partaken of a […]

The Sunday Blog

This is the first of what will be a regular series of Blogs based on observations,  musings and impressions of the activity on the range each Sunday, starting today the 6th of March. A cold day but warm in the Sun. Reasonable level of activity with the  Rifle silhouette shooters in particular getting ready for […]