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Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 3rd November 2024.

We held the usual prone rested 50/100 metre FSPR shoot today. Perfect conditions although the light was a little dull. No wind so no excuses but scores were a bit up and down from the partipants previous records. Our latest recruit Tom B who is  young and only shooting in his second ever competition, improved […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 29th September 2024

The Sept SOTY competition was held on 29/09/2024. The discipline was 25m Precision. We had 11 shooters and 16 entries. It would have been 12 shooters, but someone forgot the bolt for their pistol, a mistake I will not make again! It was a reasonable  turn out, considering the weather . It was a bit […]

Colin Legge Memorial Shoot/ Sunday 22nd September 2024.

We were delighted to hold a 25 Bird Down The Line Competition this Sunday, in honour of our member, Colin Legge who passed away last year. Colin was one of the club’s stalwarts and was present every Sunday to manage the office and oversee the Clay Pigeon competitions. We all still miss him. Each time […]

Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 1st September 2024.

Monthly Rifle Shoot Sunday 1st September 2024. The day was a bit dreary to begin with soon followed by drizzle. That did not damp the enthusiasm to get going on the monthly Rifle Competition. We followed our most regular format,Field Sporting Rifle Prone(FSPR), with 20 shots at 50 Metres and 20 shots at 100 Metres. […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 25th August 2024

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Monthly Report 25th August 2024   Nine ECSC members turned up for the August ‘Shooter of the Year’ gallery rifle and pistol competition. The weather started off with rain, but this passed as the morning went on. We shot the competition indoors and moved the target frames towards us for each […]

Rifle Practice Day Saturday 24th August

We had planned to run a crossover Rifle competition on this day but were not able to hence we are making it available for practice. Start 10:00am Finish 1:00pm.  If anyone is present at 1:00pm and wishes to continue shooting we will extend to 2:00pm. Anyone not arriving until after 1:00pm runs the risk of […]

Pistol Competition Report 28 July 2024.

A fine day and a good turnout with 11 competitors vying to take the honours in the Multi Target format. 5 different categories available and 5 worthy winners. Results are shown below. A little small but can be magnified easily by clicking on the image, depending on what you are using to view this post. […]

ECSC win back the KEIL Trophy!

This trophy has been eagerly contested between the major shooting clubs for 20 years. The clubs who most often won it were the ECSC and the BRC. Courtlough won it for the previous two years but now it has returned to the people who most appreciate it, the ECSC. The rules have varied a little […]

NASRPC Open Competition at ECSC 10/11 August 2024

Each year in August we host the Summer NASRPC open shoot on our range. This is a two day event and is open to all shooters whether they are members of any club or none. The weather was very warn and pleasant so the atmosphere was very good. Preregistration saw a host of “book ins” […]