Safety Course 15th February 2020

As previously announced, we held an education session entitled “Range Procedure and Firearms handling Safety Course” on Saturday 15th February, in the Newcastle Parish Center, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow. The weather was truly awful but this did not deter over 100 members attending. We have just concluded a major up date of the Club Safety Statement, including a review of how we operate all of our ranges. This included the duties and procedures used by the Range safety officers which help them to conduct the regular shooting activities in a predictable and safe manner. It is incumbent on all members that they know and understand how to use the ranges in accordance with the safety rules so such education is appropriate.

The course was given by Mr. Declan Keogh, who is a Director of the Irish Firearms and Hunter Training Academy and is also a long standing club member.( course took two hours including a tea break, and feedback afterwards showed that it was well received and much appreciated by all attendees. A certificate of attendance was awarded. Each member was also presented with a bound copy of the club Operating Rules and Safety Statement.The photos below show the hall, just as most people were arriving. Also shown are the cover of the club Safety Statement and a sample of the attendance certificate.

Not all members were able to attend on the day so we are planning a follow up course for those who did not take part.