1969 - 2019

Welcome to the web site of the East Coast Shooting Club. We are based in Roundwood, County Wicklow, about 45 minutes drive from Dublin. Members can use the site to keep up to date with the news and results of recent competitions. People interested in taking up shooting as a hobby  and joining can use this site to see what we do, what our facilities are like, and find out how to contact us to see our ranges. See the “about ECSC ” section for “how to  join” and the fees.

Latest News

Pistol Competition Report: June 2015

We got a beautiful summer’s morning with very bright and sunny conditions today, and a moderate wind which didn’t prevent a good turn-out from the members. My thanks and compliments to all who competed in such good humour and made it a very enjoyable morning on the range. The Gallery Rifle competition wasn’t shot as […]

Pistol Competition Report: May 2015

We got away with shooting in very bright and sunny conditions today, and a good turn-out ensued despite it being a long weekend; many thanks to the club members who turned up and made it a very enjoyable morning on the range.. The shoot started slowly with only three on the first detail but this […]

Dates for open Target Rifle competitions agreed

They are as follows: Saturday June 13 East Coast Double Dewar Open Course of fire: 40 shots at 50 Mtrs  and 40 shots at 100 yards First detail: 10 am 1st  2nd 3rd  OAL 1st to 3rd  50 MTR and 100 yd  Dependant on entries (1st in class and other prizes dependant on entries). Saturday July 11th East […]

Gallery Rifle and Pistol Competition Report: April 2015

The weather forecast for to-days shoot was for cold breezy conditions with showers developing during the day. The showers didn’t materialise but it was cold but very bright and sunny. The shoot started busy with five on the first detail expanding to eight on the second and again five on the third and final detail […]

Pistol Competition Report: March 2015

This month’s competition was conducted in some fairly brisk and wet weather but nevertheless the faithful pistol shooters turned up in very good numbers once again, with this month’s centre fire section making a strong showing. Maurice kindly conducted the whole event and a very healthy number competed. My thanks to him and his helpers […]

Calendar of Events

  • NSAI Silhouette Classification Shoot

    Date: April 13, 2025